Nerul Department Silent After Demolition of Unauthorized Buildings? NMMC Officials Endangering Lives for Personal Gain

This negligence comes despite the fact that hundreds of people have already lost their homes due to previous unauthorized construction activities in the region.

Nerul Department Silent After Demolition of Unauthorized Buildings? NMMC Officials Endangering Lives for Personal Gain

Nerul Department Silent After Demolition of Unauthorized Buildings? NMMC Officials Endangering Lives for Personal Gain

Navi Mumbai 21.09.2024 Reported by  Alok Shukla – Just days after the Nerul Division Office carried out demolitions on unauthorized buildings, construction on these very sites has resumed with full force. Despite having knowledge of these illegal activities, the Nerul Division Office remains silent, raising concerns about the integrity and involvement of local officials. Instead of taking strict action, officials seem more focused on ensuring that construction progresses quickly, and residents start moving in, suggesting a prioritization of personal gain over public safety.

Resumed Construction After Demolitions

Several buildings that were declared unauthorized and faced demolition a few days ago are now back under construction. Although the Nerul Division Office is fully aware of the situation, there has been no follow-up action. The officials appear to be monitoring the progress of construction from their offices, seemingly waiting for the buildings to be completed so that residents can move in. This negligence comes despite the fact that hundreds of people have already lost their homes due to previous unauthorized construction activities in the region.

Officials Ignoring Public Safety for Personal Gain?

The actions of the local authorities are putting the lives of hundreds of citizens at risk. Unauthorized buildings are often structurally unsound, and yet officials seem more concerned with their own benefit rather than ensuring public safety. This situation reflects the attitude of "let the public suffer while I gain," with citizens being left to deal with the fallout of this corruption.

Sham Demolitions – A Cover-Up?

Earlier, a partial demolition was conducted on a G+2 building in Shiravane village. However, it now appears that the action was merely for show, as construction resumed shortly after. This practice of performing superficial demolitions followed by clandestine deals seems to be a recurring theme. The impact of this corruption is being borne by the consumers, who are left homeless and financially ruined.

Corrupt Practices on the Rise

There is a growing sentiment that officials are selectively taking action based on bribes and backdoor deals. The phrase "Jo Dega Uska Bhala, Jo Nahi Dega Uske Upar Bulldozer" (favoring those who pay up, while others face demolitions) seems to describe the working of the Nerul division, as reported by locals. The consequences of these corrupt practices are severe, leaving citizens uncertain about how many more homes will be destroyed and how many families will be displaced in the future.

Government Intervention Needed

With hundreds of citizens already facing displacement and many more at risk, it is crucial that the state government intervenes. Unauthorized construction is rampant in Nerul, Shiravane, and Sarsole villages, and the lack of strict enforcement from local authorities is only exacerbating the issue. If no decisive action is taken, more people will lose their homes, while corrupt officials continue to enrich themselves at the public's expense.

In the meantime, the public waits, wondering how long it will take before real action is taken against these illegal activities. Until then, the cycle of corruption, demolitions, and rebuilding continues, leaving the most vulnerable to pay the price.