Who is Responsible for the Fatal Hoardings in Panvel ?

The most recent incident occurred when a large hoarding fell, resulting in a tragic death. This has intensified the public outcry and has drawn severe criticism towards the Panvel Municipal Corporation. Citizens are demanding immediate action to remove these illegal hoardings that not only mar the city's aesthetics but also pose significant safety risks.

Who is Responsible for the Fatal Hoardings in Panvel ?

Panvel: Now citizens can lodge complaints against illegal hoardings via  toll-free number

Who is Responsible for the Fatal Hoardings in Panvel ?

Panvel, Navi Mumbai - The issue of illegal hoardings in Panvel has reached a critical point, with recent incidents leading to fatal consequences. Despite multiple warnings and even a reprimand from the High Court, the Panvel Municipal Corporation has failed to take substantial action against these hazardous structures, raising questions about accountability and public safety.

Recent Tragedy Highlights Dangers

The most recent incident occurred when a large hoarding fell, resulting in a tragic death. This has intensified the public outcry and has drawn severe criticism towards the Panvel Municipal Corporation. Citizens are demanding immediate action to remove these illegal hoardings that not only mar the city's aesthetics but also pose significant safety risks.

High Court's Reprimand Ignored

विरोधकांवरील कारवाई केवळ राजकीय हेतूने; उच्च न्यायालयाने राज्य सरकारला  फटकारले - Marathi News | Actions against opponents for political purposes  only The High Court reprimanded the ...

Earlier, the High Court had issued stern warnings to the Panvel Municipal Corporation to take down the illegal hoardings. The court emphasized the potential dangers these structures pose, especially during extreme weather conditions. However, the apparent disregard for these orders has left the public questioning the efficacy of local governance.

Key Concerns:

  1. Public Safety: Illegal hoardings obstruct visibility for drivers, increasing the risk of accidents. The recent fatal incident is a stark reminder of the potential dangers these hoardings represent.

  2. Legal Compliance: Ignoring the High Court's orders not only undermines the rule of law but also reflects poorly on the administrative capabilities of the Panvel Municipal Corporation.

  3. Public Outrage: The citizens of Panvel are increasingly frustrated with the municipal corporation's inaction. Protests and demands for accountability are growing, with residents calling for immediate and decisive action.Too harsh': Bombay High Court to Panvel Municipal Corporation on levying  taxes retrospectively - India Today

Reasons for Inaction:

  1. Political Pressure: Many illegal hoardings are politically motivated, used for promotional purposes by local politicians. This political backing often hinders the removal of these structures.

  2. Economic Benefits: Illegal hoardings generate significant revenue, which may be a contributing factor to the lack of enforcement against them.

  3. Administrative Corruption: Allegations of corruption within the municipal corporation have also surfaced, suggesting that some officials might be colluding with those who erect these illegal structures.

Public Demands:

  1. Immediate Removal: Residents are demanding the immediate removal of all illegal hoardings to prevent further tragedies.

  2. Strict Regulations and Penalties: There is a call for the implementation of stricter regulations and harsher penalties for those who erect illegal hoardings.

  3. Transparency and Accountability: The public is urging the municipal corporation to maintain transparency in their actions and hold accountable those responsible for allowing these hoardings to remain.


The recent fatal incident caused by an illegal hoarding in Panvel has highlighted a serious issue that has been ignored for too long. The Panvel Municipal Corporation must take immediate and effective action to remove these dangerous structures and ensure public safety. It is crucial for the administration to prioritize the well-being of its citizens over political and economic interests. The time for decisive action is now, before another tragic incident occurs.

alok shukla ( Navi Mumbai )

the public news 24